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Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Challenge

Monk Time :D :P

(Remember that if you want a picture with your text or picture just email me on , If you follow us on facebook it will be easier to see updates since they get autoposted there . Don't forget to hit the G+1 button above ;)support Dievil Production by sharing us around ;) _________________________________________________________________

Hello all long time no see :P ! Well i was kind of busy and don`t have time to make new pic and well lot more ...... ;)) Like my bro say at the video i had some time last week and try to make a new pic i made like 50 % and save it but my stupit cs crash my save and lost all the work i made so got on rage mode .... :)) epic noob i know :P . Well today i got some free time and i saw a speed art on you tube click here to see and i like how it end that art so i try to make one by my self just from that video, hope u like it and enjoy :D
Ps: Well i know it not 100% like the video but hey he is a damn pro not a noob like me :)))
Ifrits Response to [11:54:01] Dani: ty :P
[11:54:17] Dani: i chanllge u to make one 2
Well Monk I did ;) lets compare the PS5 version to the PS7 E one ;) since you always drag about how much better your version is compared to mine :)
the Result I got is not the best or the worst but I'm pretty happy with what I did :)

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