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New website up and running check it out at

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

 My latest picture , Ikaros is her name if you didn't know and she's from one of the best animes I know.
      Can't say that my day has been perfect since only 1 good think happened today .. shaz came back so             guess I could nominate this picture to you.
      Swear to god that I will stop involving myself into other peoples problems cuz I always end up as the               person to blame, and I'm tired of it. I will only take care of my own problems from now on and let other         ppl  handle there own shit.
      This picture was tricky to fix since the object(ikaros) came in a white background picture and if you               check the colors of her wings you might get why my mark tool didn't work that great. either way I'm               happy with the results and yes I know I use green to much in my pictures but hey don't blame me cuz             that's the only color that satisfy my art mind.
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Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Nothing special about this picture just wanted to show my char in Jade , it's a pain to lvl him atm but w/e 
I hate Drama ...

Monday, December 26, 2011

what a day..

lol , woke up at 4 PM today and most of my day went to Jade Dynaste since I wanted to take my lvl 75 lvl.
Did the tier 3 quest and my god was it painful.
either way here is one of my other pictures ;)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

So this is the 2 main styles I use for my pictures . Reflection and objects
As you can see they both have stars and glows but I use that for every picture so since I think it makes the basics and also tells about the object in a weird way .
example is that if you use black eyes with a red iris they look angry while white and blue makes them look happy.
My basic structure in a picture is prob glow , text , object, stars/other and reflection and that usually works for me but if I have to advance even further it can be stuff like color changes adding new objects into the picture and make them fit for it. may sound easy but believe me's not cuz most pictures are build with different colors and as soon as you start with changing, it can be messed up and yes even if you mark something it can still be crap so sometimes a picture can take upon 8 hours to make depending on how the picture is build. I try to find PNG pictures with a transparent background so I don't have to cut it out but sometimes I find something so awesome that I don't care . the merry x-mas picture under is one example where I had a picture with the girl and a white background and ofc the white color was in her hair and on her body so using a marker was no option. I had to cut it out with the rope and use a lot of different tools to make it look good. but it was worth it like most of my work according to me :)

About Dievil production

Okey so Dievil Production is about one year old and its original name was Zeffirot production but I changed it after a while since even a logo needs to be changed after a while, the name Dievil is a mix between death and devil and was also one of my many names in s4 league. I have edited around 250 pictures since I first started about a year ago and  I learn more and more about new styles everyday. 
I use photoshop 7.0 and adobe after effects then it comes to videos.
I mostly make pictures for myself and friends but I like to share my work to every person I can.
I work with anime pictures since I'm a huge fan of anime and Japan cuz of the culture language and lifestyle they have.
I still do different kinds of pictures but I always think true strong colors comes from painted things while real pictures lacks a lot of colors.
I have changed my logo a few times but in the latest of my works and also the logo in the top is the current one while my intro video shows a round logo and some pictures shows a different one. 
Feel free to ask me if you want a picture changed in the style I use. it's free ofc and I don't take credit for the original picture either I'm just happy that I have pictures to work with ;)

that's about it for Dievil info 

blog huh ... why not

Well guess it was my turn to make a blog.. I work with pictures and videos so why not.

First of all I just wanna say merry Christmas too everybody and happy new year if I don't make a post at that date.
What can I say about myself .. I'm a changer as I like too put it , I like too change stuff like pictures, music and movies just too name a few and that's mostly cuz I very often find some art work made by someone that can look awesome and fine as it is but I very often find things that I like to add too the artwork like stars or an reflection just to name a few. 
Black is my favorite color then it comes to art since black makes other colors shine then white makes them disappear and fade away.
I can't say that I like color backgrounds cuz they take your eyes away from they main object in the picture and makes the picture lose its charm.
My slogan is that things are meant to be changed and I think that's a pretty wise one as well ;) since if you leave a picture alone it will most likely fade away but if you edit it you bring a new life to the picture.
Since I'm a nerd I might as well say this .. You ress the picture and heal it with a holy light.
I will tell you more about my logo in the next post